Highest availability & performance
The SAP Basis Plug-In is backward compatible and follows the release and maintenance strategy of the SAP R/3 Plug-In. SAP ships it together with the SAP R/3 Plug-In.
To use all the features of the SAP Patch Manager, you need the following permissions: S_TRANSPRT S_CTS_ADMIN Both are in the S_A.SYSTEM permission profile. If you log in to the Mandant 000 and your user base contains the appropriate permission profile, then you can use all the features of the SAP Patch Manager. When you log in to another client or without the appropriate user profile, you can only use the display functions. Map this permission profile to the system administrator only. Only the system administrator should have permission to perform the following actions: Support Packages Download Support Packages Play Support Packages Confirm Successfully Recorded Support Packages Reset Support Package Status Support Packages eliminate errors in the SAP system or make necessary adjustments due to legal changes, for example. The affected objects will be replaced in your system. Each Support Package is valid for one release level (but for all databases and operating systems) and requires a precisely defined number of predecessors. The upgrade from the following release or revision level contains all support packages from the previous booths that were available until the upgrade was delivered. SPAM ensures that support packages are only played in the order specified. To avoid problems, play all support packages as they are deployed. This allows you to keep your system up to date.
SWI2_DIAG Access to work item analysis (SWI2)
Job scheduling: your system needs to run various automated background jobs that consume resources. Your administrator must carefully schedule these tasks when user demand is low so they don't impact performance.
The website www.sap-corner.de offers many useful information about SAP basis.
A Conflict Resolution Transport (CRT) is used only for add-ons, such as IS-IS or IS-OIL. It is used to eliminate conflicts that may arise between the different support packages and an add-on. Note that a CRT that applies to an add-on release also resolves all conflicts with previous releases of that add-on. In addition, a CRT may include other corrections for the corresponding add-on. A CRT can therefore always be a special add-on support package. Settings for SPAM With Additional Settings, you can access a dialogue box where you can specify general settings for the SAP Patch Manager (SPAM). These settings affect the behaviour of downloading and loading support packages of the different types equally. SPAM updates are an exception; certain settings are specified for these. You can toggle the following properties on and off: Transmission Monitor If you enable the Transmission Monitor, you can monitor the download of the support packages from the SAPNet - R/3 frontend with a graphical monitor. Otherwise, you will only get a progress bar. Scenario Choosing the scenario determines which actions should be performed while the Support Packages are being played in. The default scenario is used to fully deploy support packages; All steps are performed. The test scenario allows you to determine whether a modification match is required or whether conflicts occur that should be resolved before the support packages are loaded. The test scenario does not import data and objects into your SAP system. There is no test scenario for SPAM updates. The choice is ignored when a SPAM update is introduced. Rebuild data files You can specify whether the data files from the EPS packages will be reunzipped each time you try to play. In principle, this is the case.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
Delete Do a Generation From Use the transaction SPAM to insert Support Packages [page 8] into your system, regardless of whether the support packages come from the SAPNet - R/3 Frontend, the SAPNet - Web Frontend, or Collection CDs.
To store all the information on the subject of SAP - and others - in a knowledge database, Scribble Papers is suitable.
Moreover, few users should have access to it.