The SAP Patch Manager offers two scenarios for inserting support packages or queues: Test Scenario Use the test scenario to determine whether conflicts or problems occur (e.g., unreleased repairs) or whether a modification match is necessary before the actual insertion. This scenario allows you to estimate and minimise the time and effort required to load support packages. In this scenario, no data is imported into the system, and you can continue to play in the event of an error without the error being corrected. You must select the test scenario explicitly. Note that once the test scenario has passed, the queue is empty and needs to be redefined. You must also explicitly choose the default scenario.
The integration of the SAP basis enables solutions to be introduced faster and better integrated into the existing system landscape. This is partly because the solutions are already known in advance and the necessary knowledge exists or is already planned. This will make it easier to implement the roadmap. It should also be noted that a clear strategy on digitisation and also on cloud products in general, as well as their possible uses, sets out a framework for action that all parties can follow. The participants thus know where the company wants to develop or orientate itself, what is possible and what is not possible or permitted. Thus, both companies and the parties have a valid point of reference at all times. This also leads to an increased acceptance within the SAP basis and a more practical implementation for the SAP basis, as the mentioned expertise is already present in the strategy. As a result, this makes it easier and cheaper to ensure operation in a manageable system landscape.
Operating systems and databases
Support Packages from SAPNet - Web Frontend or Collection CDs are available in a compressed format. Note that you must unpack the support packages before processing. Download the support packages from the SAPNet - Web Frontend or mount the appropriate CD. Log in with the following user: Operating system users UNIX adm AS/400 OFR Windows NT adm Go to the following subdirectory in your system: Operating system UNIX and AS/400 usr/sap/trans/tmp Windows NT :\usr\sap\TRANS\TMP Unzip the archive containing the support packages with the following command: Operating system command UNIX CAR -xvf ///_CAR AS/400 CAR '-xvf /QOPT///_CAR' Windows NT CAR -xvf :\\ CHIVE>.CAR Put the unpacked support packages in the EPS inbox of your transport directory: Operating system EPS-Inbox of the transport directory UNIX /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in AS/400 /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in Windows NT :\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in Now bring the support packages into your system with Support Package Upload. You will see a list of uploaded support packages that are now known with all their attributes in the SAP system and can be handled in the right way by the SAP Patch Manager. Select Back to return to the SPAM entry screen.
SAP Basis is the foundation of any SAP system. You can find a lot of useful information about it on this page:
The SAP Basis is responsible for the smooth operation of the programmes in the SAP system. It acts as an operating system for R/3 and subsequent releases including S/4HANA. Each operating system provides an environment in which programmes can run, such as MS Office on Microsoft Windows. Likewise, the SAP base system with the NetWeaver and HANA platform offers an environment in which the SAP programmes can run. In this context, the NetWeaver platform itself relies on server operating systems such as Windows and Linux.
For administrators, a useful product - "Shortcut for SAP Systems" - is available in the SAP basis area.
An SAP Basis Administrator is an IT professional who is responsible for the operation of your SAP landscape.
To store all the information on the subject of SAP - and others - in a knowledge database, Scribble Papers is suitable.
You must also explicitly choose the default scenario.