SP02 Output controller: overview of spool requests
You can control the access rights as usual. The big advantage of CMC tab configuration is that you can easily grant or withdraw group access to specific tabs. This gives you the ability to prepare background access permissions and then unlock all permissions by clicking on the CMC tab configuration. On the other hand, this allows you to remove accesses without having to edit any existing permissions. Have you already experienced CMC tab configuration or have questions about the application? I welcome any suggestions you may make as a comment.
SAP Basis operations manage the IT underlying the SAP system. In addition, the operation ensures the maintenance and availability of business processes. Various tools can be used for this purpose, which take over the maintenance, servicing, configuration and monitoring of the SAP system. Basis operation is the prerequisite for ensuring that the SAP system is fully operational and covers the business processes well.
Hybrid Clouds
INTRODUCTION A growing number of SAP-based departments are facing major changes and challenges within the SAP product portfolio as well as in their own task environment. These result from influences of digitalisation, digital transformation, new technologies such as cloud computing or big data, but also developments such as customer experience or the Internet of Things. In order to overcome the challenges and to transform the existing SAP basis, recommendations for action are grouped in seven thematic areas. These topics cover the areas of skills and roles (cloud and supplier management, strengthening of the technology architect, focus on project work), marketing and self-understanding (creation of a service catalogue, regular exchange with the CIO, renaming of the SAP basis), new technologies and innovation (test and innovation lab, proactive & regular training), organisation in change (development of the two subject areas close to structure and application-orientated , virtual teams of experts), standardisation and automation (automation of routine tasks, outtasking of rare tasks), "cloudability", outsourcing & outtasking (assessment of usefulness for the cloud, use of appropriate service forms) and IT roadmap (influence of own IT roadmap). By reflecting on the thematic areas, methods and possibilities for implementing the recommendations are presented.
The website www.sap-corner.de offers many useful information about SAP basis.
By establishing a new role concept and building new roles, the SAP basis has the skills necessary to support new tasks and topics as well as to operate new technology and service forms. The relevant roles are listed below.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" simplifies tasks in the area of the SAP basis and complements missing functions of the standard.
So base administrators need to know how to provision and manage systems in the cloud.
The freeware Scribble Papers puts an end to the confusing paper chaos. The tool is also suitable for storing, structuring and quickly finding text documents and text snippets of all kinds in addition to notes.
Within the layer there are application servers and a message server.