The Basis system comprises a total of three layers
SPAU SPAU selection and start
In general, SAP operations and all associated activities need to be further professionalised. This includes the documentation of key and mission critical processes and their verification for timeliness and validity. It is also necessary to record and describe the performance of the base by IT service management, as well as techniques such as a RACI matrix to identify and document the responsibilities of the SAP basis.
A first important step was the introduction of playbooks to professionalize our work. At that time, SAP installation manuals were real tomes with hundreds of pages that often went round in circles and were anything but easy to understand....
In order to reduce the variety of different system variations and the related variety of routine tasks, it is necessary to reduce the number of customer specifications. In particular, the implementation, set-up and configuration of the systems and security concepts must be harmonised or returned to the SAP standard. To this end, it is necessary to establish, in cooperation with the relevant IT departments, a standard for, for example, operating systems and databases within the limits set by the product.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on
In order to meet the growing integration and coordination between internal IT departments and external service providers and suppliers, it is necessary to include a company-wide interface department in the IT organisation. The SAP basis can assume the coordination role and interface function in the environment of SAP products and technologies.
Use "Shortcut for SAP Systems" to accomplish many tasks in the SAP basis more easily and quickly.
So it is about opening up the innovation process, as shown in Figure 2, which was presented earlier.
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Note that this parameter can only be affected by you if the generation is allowed by SAP during the insertion of this support package.