What should an SAP administrator be able to do?
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If a company chooses to tackle the area of e-learning itself and also to create the content for it itself, there is a certain challenge. The most obvious point here is that the above-mentioned initial effort is borne by the company. This means that employees spend their time creating videos, preparing presentations and/or creating questionnaires. This not to be underestimated effort must of course be borne by the company initially. On the other hand, a self-created e-learning offer offers the possibility to design it completely by itself and tailor it to the company's own needs. In addition, a company can decide whether it will use the e-learning offer itself only for its own employees (for internal training purposes) or whether it will also present the offer externally. This can be used, for example, for advertising purposes, as a know-how presentation or as a further source of income. Use the external sources: This is a very pleasant way for the company to improve the internal processes through ELearning. By acquiring external e-learning content, the company can purchase valuable know-how for comparatively low money. This know-how is in most cases already well prepared, that this can only be passed on to the employees and they can then independently acquire new knowledge or consolidate already known topics.
Let me show you how EasyReCert can simplify this process. Automatic representation of employees & role assignment Each user of the application automatically receives the employees assigned to him. In the first step, the user verifies the assignment of the employees assigned to him. In the second step, the user is shown the roles of his employees. It is now possible to mark the assignment of the role as correct or incorrect. Understandable explanation of the roles Often roles have no talking names and for the decider it is not clear which specific permissions are behind a role. The tool offers the possibility to provide a description for each role, which is available by pop-in. Looking up which role has which permissions and which is meant for which is completely omitted. Flags & Criticality The tool offers in its options the possibility to set flags for critical roles and highlight them in particular. At a glance, the decision-makers see that one of their employees has a critical role and can examine it carefully. Since roles are classified differently in each company, you are completely free to decide which roles you want to consider critical. Roll Whitelist Do you want to exclude certain roles from the audit? Or do you want to test only critical roles? The tool offers you a whitelist function for this. This whitelist allows you to include roles that you do not want to check in the recertification process. So you completely decide which roles the tool should take into account. Logging of the results The results of the tests are logged via the application log and can be viewed both by SAP standard means and directly by the tool. It is also possible to export the audit logs or add optional comments to the logs later.
System maintenance and support of running systems
This advanced SAP administration training course provides confidence in in-depth administration tasks on your SAP system. For example, SAP administration with WebAS with ABAP and Java, system configuration and system updates, importing patches and corrections, and updating users and authorizations. Furthermore, the program includes the setup of printers, knowledge of system security and system monitoring as well as transport functions. Not to forget the help system and data backup in your SAP systems.
Some useful tips about SAP basis can be found on www.sap-corner.de.
If the user assignment of several transactions is to be verified, where it is not clear whether all transactions have been maintained in the menu of roles, the use of the transaction SE16N is always appropriate. Here you can also see the transactions that were assigned to a role only by the S_TCODE permission object. The result also shows which transaction is included in which role. What experience have you had in identifying specific transactions with user assignment? Do you know of any other ways to solve this problem? About your experiences and.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" makes it easier and quicker to complete a number of SAP basis tasks.
In addition to the existing features, there will be in the future such as SME-Cloud, SME-SAP-HANA/Databases, SME-Supplier-Management, SME-Security, SME-Compliance, SME-Landscape-Virtualisation-Management (SME-Landscape-Virtualisation-Management) and SMESolution-Manager.
A note box in which data of all kinds can be quickly filed and retrieved. This is what Scribble Papers promises. At first, the program looks very spartan. But once a small structure is in place, you realise the great flexibility of this little helper.
If an audit is also announced and the SAP system is to be checked for critical permissions and segregation of duties, then it is very difficult to meet all requirements and secure the eligibility landscape in this respect.