Authorization objects
Controlling file access permissions
Of course, these objects can be adapted to the requirements of a company at any time. If a new program is required in the namespace of a company, the programmer decides which authorization objects should be checked in this program. If the standard objects do not meet the desired requirements, the programmer can create his own authorization objects that contain the required authorization fields.
In compliance with the minimum principle and the separation of functions, the roles used must be defined, along with specifications for their naming, structure and use. Close attention should also be paid to the application and allocation process in order to prevent authorization conflicts, which arise primarily as a result of employees' changing or expanding areas of responsibility.
Customise evaluation paths in SAP CRM for indirect role mapping
Eligibility objects that were visible in the permission trace are quickly inserted in rolls. But are they really necessary? Are these possibly even critical permissions? A review of the Permissions Concept can reveal that critical permissions are in your end-user roles. We would like to give you some examples of critical permissions in this tip. It is helpful to know which authorization objects are covered by the critical permissions. They must also ask themselves whether the granting of these allowances entails risks.
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Permissions must have both identical maintenance status (default, maintained, modified, manual) and an identical active status (active or inactive). Exceptions represent changed permissions and manual permissions; these are summarised when the active status is identical.
If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.
If custom applications have been created in the form of Z-transactions, Web-Dynpro applications, or external services, you must maintain suggestion values for these applications to avoid having manual permissions in the PFCG roles.
It removes the permission field from the USORG table and changes the permission proposal values to that field.