Coordinate authorisation management in customer-owned programmes
When your selection is complete, just exit the image with the green button. You will now arrive at the Details Selector screen, where you can select the selection fields and the output fields (the List Field Selector and Selection Fields tabs) of your table combination. We select the authorization objects and values as selection and the role name, and the user as output fields. Done! Now the query can be started with the Run button. In the background, the system creates a programme that builds the join. As a result, a selection screen appears. Enter"S_TCODE"as object and"SCC4"as field value (we only have one field for this object). When you click Run, all users and the triggers are output to you.
Until now, there were no ways to define different password rules or password change requirements for these users. Today, this is possible with the security guidelines that you assign to users and clients. In the following we will show you how to define security policies and how they work.
Authorization check
You may have special requirements that are necessarily to be included in the naming convention, such as when you define template roles in a template project that can be customised locally. You can identify this in the naming.
To store all the information on the subject of SAP - and others - in a knowledge database, Scribble Papers is suitable.
Balance: In the settlement transactions, the user is only presented with the supporting documents for which he or she has permission. If the Profit Centre field is not filled in the journal view (Table BSEG), the general ledger view (usually Table FAGLFLEXA) is checked. To compensate, we recommend that you include the Profit Centre in the selection fields of the balancing transactions.
During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.
Permission values in PFCG roles are maintained and debugging requires the use of the system trace for permissions.
Since identical passwords are often used for different systems, the determined password may also be usable for downstream systems.