Debug ABAP programs with Replace
SAP Security Concepts
You can translate text blocks in permission roles individually using the SE63 transaction. If you need to translate many roles, there are also automation options that we present here. There are several scenarios in which it becomes interesting to translate the texts of permission roles, for example, if your company is acting internationally. Also, you may have taken over a third party company and the SAP systems used there, or you may want to simplify the SAP system landscape by combining different divisions in one system. In all of these cases, you must standardise or translate the texts of the authorisation roles. For pure translation, you can use the transaction SE63, which we explain in the first section of this tip. In general, however, you will need to translate a large number of role texts in these scenarios; Therefore, in the second section we will explain how you can automate the translation using the LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) transaction and will discuss how to set up a custom ABAP programme.
The goal is for SAP SuccessFactors users to maintain an overview of roles and authorizations in the system. Analysis and reporting tools help to achieve this. At ABS Team, we use our own combination of an SAP SuccessFactors solution and external documentation for this purpose. As the first graphic shows, our approach is built on a delta concept: all SAP authorizations and processes function independently of each other.
Which challenges cannot be solved with authorization tools alone?
The concept for in-house developments is obligatory for every company that writes its own software. It specifies requirements, for example, for the structure, naming and documentation of program components, and in particular for dealing with safety-critical aspects. The wording should not be too general, but should explicitly address the special features of programming in SAP.
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Once you have logged in, the permissions associated with your user (via the user account) will be available. Each of your actions leads to the use of runtime versions of the corresponding objects. This also applies to every privilege and role. Runtime versions of rolls are not transportable in SAP HANA. However, in order to achieve a high quality in the development of your applications, you should use a system landscape with development system (DEV), quality assurance system (QAS) and productive system (PRD). To enable you to translate development results to QAD and PRD, SAP HANA Studio provides you with the opportunity to create objects in a (freely definable) Design Time Repository that you can provide and transport via Delivery Units to other systems.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
This documentation then displays much more detailed information about the respective authorization object as well as the defined fields.
It will make their lives easier in the future.