Default permissions already included
Permission implementation
If, after an upgrade or after inserting a support package, you have used the SU25 transaction with steps 1 or 2a to bring suggested values to the latest SAP system state, you must restore the suggested values to the customer's organisation levels with the PFCG_ORGFIELD_UPGRADE report. To do this, you must run the report for each field, with the report's search engine showing only the affected organisation levels.
The specific SAP_NEW authorization object imprints are provided via the SAP_BASIS component. Therefore, an SAP_NEW profile is always bound to a specific base release. Proceed as follows: With the transaction SU02, you remove all old, individual profiles from the SAP_NEW composite profile, including the profile that belongs to the start release of your upgrade. Now assign the reduced SAP_NEW permission profile to all users in the upgrade preparation system, ensuring that all users can work as usual. This step can be omitted if you are following another method to identify missing permissions. Now check all permissions in all remaining profiles within the SAP_NEW summary profile that have a higher release level than the SAP_BASIS upgrade start release. Map all required permissions to all productive roles in your permission concept. You can do this for each intermediate release individually. The next step is to adjust the permissions in your productively used roles in the PFCG transaction, and then remove the corresponding permissions from the SAP_NEW profile using the SU02 transaction. Repeat steps 3 through 4 until the SAP_NEW permission profile is empty. Work in a development system during the role adjustment phase and transport the adjustments made to your eligibility roles to your quality assurance system. After successful acceptance test, you transport them to the production system. Now you can remove the SAP_NEW profile from all users. You can then proceed with role follow-up as part of the release change in the SU25 transaction (see also Tip 43, "Customise Permissions After an Upgrade").
Use SAP_NEW correctly
To access business objects or execute SAP transactions, a user requires appropriate authorizations, since business objects or transactions are protected by authorization objects. The authorizations represent instances of the generic authorization objects and are defined according to the employee's activities and responsibilities. The authorizations are combined in an authorization profile that belongs to a role. User administrators then assign the appropriate roles to the employee via the user master record so that the employee can use the respective transactions for his or her tasks in the company.
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What's New from System Trace for Permissions! Here, features have been added that make recording and role maintenance much easier. Permission values in PFCG roles are maintained and debugging requires the use of the system trace for permissions. In the past, SAP customers have asked for more ease of use, since the trace evaluation is sometimes confusing.
If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.
In principle, user login to the application server can then be restricted by setting the new login/server_logon_restriction profile parameter.
This includes the permission for the generic OP links.