Include customising tables in the IMG
Encrypt e-mails
The SAP authorization concept ensures that no unauthorized access can be made to transactions, programs and services in SAP systems. To call up business objects or execute transactions in the SAP system, a user therefore requires the appropriate authorizations. When called, the application started via a transaction checks whether the authorization exists and whether the user is allowed to perform the selected operation.
It is very important that critical authorizations are generally subject to a monitoring process in order to be able to ensure that they are assigned in a productive system in a very restricted manner or not at all. Law-critical authorizations in particular, such as deleting all change documents, debugging ABAP programs with Replace, and deleting version histories, must never be assigned in a production system, as these authorizations can be used to violate the erasure ban, among other things. It must therefore be ensured that these authorizations have not been assigned to any user, not even to SAP® base administrators.
Set Configuration Validation
S_PROJECT authorization object: The S_PROJECT authorization object enables you to work with customising projects. You can modify, view or delete projects, maintain status information, project documentation, and perform project evaluations.
To store all the information on the subject of SAP - and others - in a knowledge database, Scribble Papers is suitable.
In the foreground, important SAP reports on the subject of role and authorization administration were presented. Since these and the entire SAP system are known to be based on ABAP coding, the analysis of the source code is just as important, especially when using in-house developments. These in-house developments often present serious security vulnerabilities because they have insufficient authorization checks in the coding. To search for explicit strings and to categorize the in-house developments accordingly, the report RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN can be used. This allows existing programs in the backend to be explicitly checked for specific check patterns by the authorization administrator and any errors to be corrected by the relevant developers. Authorization-relevant check patterns for such a scan are, for example, "AUTHORITY-CHECK" or SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE. The former checks whether authorization checks are present in the source code at all. The check for Open SQL patterns analyzes the code structure for direct SELECT, MODIFY or INSERT statements that must be avoided or protected on the authorization side. The best practice measure in this case is to use SAP BAPIs. The preventive best practice would be to involve developers and authorization administrators equally during the conceptual design of the custom development.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
The monitoring of risks is incorporated into the processes, so that there is constant control by various bodies.
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