Installing and executing ABAP source code via RFC
What to do when the auditor comes - Part 1: Processes and documentation
Add missing modification flags in SU24 data: This function complements the modification flag for entries that have changed since the last execution of step 2a in the transaction SU25, i.e., where there is a difference to the SAP data from the transaction SU22. The flag is thus set retrospectively, so that no customer data is accidentally overwritten with step 2a due to missing modification flags.
The More node details area allows you to configure additional settings. For example, by activating the Default Page setting, the selected transaction (in our example MM03) is called first when the parent folder (in our example of the Material Stems folder) is retrieved. The Invisible setting means that the transaction is not visible in the menu, but can be called from a button.
Maintain batch job suggestion values
You can translate text blocks in permission roles individually using the SE63 transaction. If you need to translate many roles, there are also automation options that we present here. There are several scenarios in which it becomes interesting to translate the texts of permission roles, for example, if your company is acting internationally. Also, you may have taken over a third party company and the SAP systems used there, or you may want to simplify the SAP system landscape by combining different divisions in one system. In all of these cases, you must standardise or translate the texts of the authorisation roles. For pure translation, you can use the transaction SE63, which we explain in the first section of this tip. In general, however, you will need to translate a large number of role texts in these scenarios; Therefore, in the second section we will explain how you can automate the translation using the LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) transaction and will discuss how to set up a custom ABAP programme.
To store all the information on the subject of SAP - and others - in a knowledge database, Scribble Papers is suitable.
First, the Web application developers must implement appropriate permission checks and make PFCG available for use in role maintenance in the transaction. This includes the maintenance of proposed values in the transaction SU22. The SAP Note 1413012 (new reusable startup authorisation check) provides all the necessary details.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
The complete roll data is stored and processed in Excel.
You cannot increase the retention time afterwards; Therefore, you should adjust the configuration in good time before starting a project.