Mitigating GRC risks for SAP systems
Lack of know-how
If the authorization objects also require permission fields, you can create them in the SU20 transaction. When creating a authorization object in the SU21 transaction, you first set a name and description for the authorization object, and then assign it to an object class. Then assign the necessary permission fields. If any of these fields are ACTVT, you can select all of the activities to be checked by clicking the Activities button. The navigation behaviour has been improved here a lot.
The SAP authorization default values are the basis for role creation and are also the starting point for SAP authorization management. For this purpose, the SU22 SAP authorization default values must be transported via SU25 into the customer-specific SU24 tables. The consistency of the default values should therefore be checked beforehand using the SU2X_CHECK_CONSISTENCY report. If inconsistencies exist, they can be corrected using the report SU24_AUTO_REPAIR. Detailed information regarding the procedure can be found in SAP Note 1539556. In this way, you can not only clean up your SU24 values, but at the same time achieve a high-performance starting position for role and authorization administration.
SAP Authorizations - Overview HCM Authorization Concepts
Your system landscape does not correspond to a typical three-system landscape? Find out what you should consider when upgrading the suggested values of roles. Your system landscape may differ from the typical three-system landscapes, for example, because you have several development systems or development mandates. Transports are then used to merge all developments and customising entries into one consolidation system. Perform your upgrade work in the SU25 transaction and use Step 3 to transport your SU24 data. By contrast, perform this step in all development systems, run all transports together in your consolidation system, and only the last import of the tables is used. The same entries are also recognised as deleted entries. The same is true with your PFCG rolls. Maintain these in multiple development systems or mandates, and if you now want to transport the rolls with their generated profiles, there is a risk that the profile numbers will be the same, as the profile names consist of the first and third characters of the system ID and a six-digit number. If the profiles originate from the same system (even if the client is a different one), import errors may occur due to the same profile names. In addition, the origin of the profile can no longer be traced afterwards. Therefore, you need a way to transport the data for the permission proposal values and the PFCG rolls in Y landscapes in a transparent and consistent way.
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SAPCPIC: SAPCPIC is not a dialogue user, but is used for EDI usage in older releases (EDI = Electronic Data Interchange); in default, SAPCPIC has permissions for RFC access. However, you should not use this user for them, nor for batch processes, but you must create other users for these applications. Safeguard measures: Lock down the user, change the password, assign it to the SUPER user group and log it with the Security Audit Log.
If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.
Likewise, in addition to a statutory publication of the balance sheet and P&L (profit and loss) statement, internal evaluations can also be created.
The concept for in-house developments is obligatory for every company that writes its own software.