Our services in the area of SAP authorizations
Communication User
This function was not part of the standard delivery. With the support package named in SAP Note 1860162, the transaction SAIS_SEARCH_APPL is now delivered. This transaction allows you to verify that other applications have startup properties similar to those available in a particular application. For example, we searched for applications with similar functionality as the PPOME transaction provides.
The path with the associated permission group DEVL contains the local temporary files of the ABAP Frontend Editor of the ABAP development environment (transactions SE38, SE80, SE24, etc.). The two paths with the ADMN permission group show how logically related paths can be grouped into a S_PATH permission check. The two entries with the FILE permission group show how paths for Windows can be completed in systems with application servers of different operating systems. The core.sem and coreinfo entries are required to write run-time errors in the SNAP snapshot table. The dev_ and gw_ entries allow you to view files from the developer trace and Gateway Log in the ST11 transaction. If the suggestion in the first entry of the table is too restrictive, you can choose the alternative in the following table. This entry only forces a permission check on S_PATH and the ALL permission group; You should, however, only grant such permission very restrictively.
Use system recommendations to introduce security
Set a specific acronym or character to indicate whether your role has critical accesses so that separate assignment or approval rules can be observed for such roles. Define here what"critical"means for your project. Do you only want to identify permissions that are critical to the operation of the SAP system, or business-critical processes? Also define the consistency that has a critical role to play in the assignment to the user.
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To support the safe operation of SAP systems, SAP offers a whole portfolio of services. We present the security services offered by SAP Active Global Support (AGS). The security of an SAP system in operation depends on many factors. There are several security features in the SAP standard, such as user management, authentication and encryption capabilities, web service security features, and the various authorisation concepts. Vulnerabilities in the standard software are also regularly fixed in SAP notes and support packages. You are responsible for the safe operation of your SAP system landscapes; so you need to incorporate these features and fixes into your systems. The AGS Security Services support you by bundling the experiences of the AGS into consolidated best practices. We introduce these services and describe how they help you gain an overview of the security of your operational concept.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
The next step is to maintain the permission values.
Save the file in text format, not in any Excel format.