Query Data from Active Directory
Centrally review failed authorisation checks in transaction SU53
Dialogue users are intended for use by natural persons who log in to the SAP system via SAP GUI (dialogue login). The dialogue user is therefore the most frequently used user type. The defined password rules apply to him. If the password is set by the administrator, it will get Initial status and must be set by the user at login again to get Productive status.
The RESPAREA field has a maintenance dialogue that allows you to enter areas of responsibility. The care dialogue is called as a building block and provides different tabs for input depending on the authorization object. Now, if you declare the RESPAREA field to be the organisation level, you must first set the display of the tabs for input in customising. To do this, you must add an entry to the KBEROBJ table that is independent of the client by using the SE16 transaction. In this entry, leave the first OBJECT field blank. The CURRENTOBJ field must be maintained because it defines the tab that will be displayed when the maintenance is called, i.e. the Default tab. If this field is blank, no startup image can be found and errors occur. The following fields determine the contents of the various tabs and should therefore also be maintained so that you can use RESPAREA as an organisational level. These are the OBJECT1 to OBJECT7 fields for the first to the seventh tab. In these seven fields, you define what values you can enter on the tabs.
Redesign of SAP® Authorizations
In order to make a well-founded statement about the complexity and the associated effort, a fundamental system analysis is required in advance. The results obtained from this form an excellent basis for estimating the project scope and implementation timeframe.
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The report RSUSR008_009_NEW (List of users with critical permissions) is provided starting with SAP Web Application Server 6.20 with the following support packages: Release 6.20, starting with SAPKB62039 Release 6.40, starting with SAPKB64003 You can continue using the old reports RSUSR008 and RSUSR009 until release 6.40. The RSUSR008_009_NEW report is delivered with the old SAI proposals for critical credentials already used in the RSUSR009 report.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
To do this, you must run the report for each field, with the report's search engine showing only the affected organisation levels.
This is due to the fact that a login to the Java system will only update the date of the last login to the ABAP system if a password-based login has taken place.