Analysis and reporting tool for SAP SuccessFactors ensures order and overview
No matter what the reason, it is quickly said that a new authorization concept is needed. But this is not always the case. And if it is, the question is which authorization concept in SAP HCM is the right one. Yes, exactly which concept, because in SAP HCM there are three ways to implement an authorization concept.
For an up-to-date description of the eligibility tests in the EWA, see SAP Note 863362. Updates to these checks are provided by keeping the ST-SER software component, which contains the definition of checks to be performed, up to date and enabling the automatic content update in the SAP Solution Manager.
Displaying sensitive data
Critical permissions are permissions that allow you to view or modify security-related configurations in the SAP system, or perform activities that are critical from a legal or business perspective. This also includes access to sensitive data, which are e.g. personal. Critical permissions are really critical in themselves and pose a risk only if they get into the wrong hands. In any case, when using critical permissions, you should observe the principle of restricting rights. There are no general definitions of risk; Therefore, each company should define the compliance requirements for itself. Identifying critical SAP permissions is an important task and should be performed in every company. Particular attention should be paid not only to the award of transactions but also to the value characteristics of each of the eligible objects. It is important to mention that preventive regular inspections do not have to be burdensome. However, they will lead to greater transparency and security.
The freeware Scribble Papers is a "note box" in which all kinds of data can be stored. It takes in typed texts as well as graphics and entire documents. The data is then organised in folders and pages.
A new transaction has been added to evaluate the system trace only for permission checks, which you can call STAUTHTRACE using the transaction and insert via the respective support package named in SAP Note 1603756. This is a short-term trace that can only be used as a permission trace on the current application server and clients. In the basic functions, it is identical to the system trace in transaction ST01; Unlike the system trace, however, only permission checks can be recorded and evaluated here.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
Single role - Created using the role administration tool, it enables the automatic generation of an authorization profile.
Examples may include lists requested by auditors.