Bypass Excel-based Permissions Traps
The security policy was introduced with the SAP NetWeaver 7.31 release; for their use you need at least this release. Security policies thus replace the definition of password rules, password changes, and login restrictions via profile parameters. The security policy is assigned to the user in transaction SU01 on the Logon Data tab. Profile parameter settings remain relevant for user master records that have not been assigned a security policy. Some of the profile parameters are also not included in the security policy and therefore still need to be set system-wide. Security policy always includes all security policy attributes and their suggestion values. Of course, you can always adjust the proposed values according to your requirements. You define security policy about the SECPOL transaction. Select the attributes for which you want to maintain your own values and enter the values accordingly. The Descendable Entries button displays the attributes that are not different from the global entries.
Roles reflect access to data depending on the legitimate organisational values. This information should be part of the naming convention, as these roles differ only in their organisational but not in their functional form.
Using suggestion values and how to upgrade
However, a full SAP security audit does not end here. In addition, the auditor examines whether the four important concepts of SAP Security, namely the data ownership concept, the proprietary development concept, the authorization concept and the emergency user concept, meet the requirements. Each of them should represent a fully formulated document that, on the one hand, contains all the target specifications for the respective topic and, on the other hand, is consistent with the actual state found during the audit.
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Are you using the result and market segment statements and need permission checks for combinations of characteristics and key figures not included in the standard? To do this, create specific authorization objects. You can define key figures and result objects (groups of characteristics) for the planning and information system in the result and market segment calculation (CO-PA). You may also want to control permissions by using these characteristics or key numbers. This cannot be reflected with the default authorization objects. Therefore, create authorization objects in the customising of the result invoice.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
You can view the contents of the checked permission fields by double-clicking on the respective variables.
Here, authorizations must be assigned very restrictively, e.g. only to emergency users.