Our customers run SAP software either locally or in the cloud. As a cloud hosting provider and AWS partner, we support both delivery methods. Our Singapore data centre currently supports over 50 customers for both SAP Business One and SAP S/4. We also work closely with hyperscalers such as AWS, Azure, Google or Huawei Cloud to help you find the right solution for your cloud hosting.
Moreover, artificial intelligence has the potential to further reduce the response time for technical questions. We are already working on scenarios to use machine learning algorithms in support. The starting point for all our innovations is always the needs and feedback of our customers. We also involve customers in the development and pilot phases.
Finding ideas and modelling the digital business
A big advantage: Because Salt Solutions is now well acquainted with the SAP system landscape of Schmersal, the Salt team can quickly step in even in the event of bottlenecks in large projects. For example, in November 2018, Salt Solutions was able to step in at short notice with the task of displaying special prices for Chinese customers in the system as part of the SAP introduction in China, so that they are automatically taken into account from the customer order to the invoicing - also for intercompany billing.
The freeware Scribble Papers puts an end to the confusing paper chaos. The tool is also suitable for storing, structuring and quickly finding text documents and text snippets of all kinds in addition to notes.
Companies want to grow. But growth and development also bring challenges - for example, for the IT department, which has to keep on stemming important special projects in addition to day-to-day business.
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", a tool is available to help your SAP support with troubleshooting.
Find specific solutions for smarter, faster, and simpler business processes across industries and applications.
With a lot of experience, innovative concepts and a pronounced service idea we stand by you in the implementation of your ideas.